Sep 5, 2011

6.4. Theresa Williams: art, poem

olympia, dear jim

a lazy hot summer day making mailart with my old

olympia, broken shift key, me stamping skeletons

on everything when suddenly i get the urge to tell you

i remember kansas, a dead old place called beto

junction, a bird dog, a bull bellowing atop a tall dung heap,

sputnik, my friend steve from art school who gave me my first

brautigan, how it moved me; i had no idea how it was done.

steve, diabetes, nearly blind now, I hear, and richard, gone,

gone, gone, jim. write.


Theresa Williams have poems published or forthcoming in a number of magazines, including Gargoyle, Barnwood, PLR, Seems, The Prose Poem Project, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Contemporary Haibun 12, and many others.

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